Bhoot Track

When Neck bell tinkled animals are breaking the silence of desert then Bhoot (Ghost) track will take you some of abandon villages of Jaisalmer. Smooth flat road make you easy paddling to arrive 18 km away  outskirts of the city of Jaisalmer lie the ruins of the abandoned village of Kuldhara that have captivated the minds of travelers for centuries. Back in the 1800s, the village used to be a prosperous town but, it said that after some unfathomable tragedy, the town was abandoned overnight. No one knows for their mass exodus. This village was ones home of Paliwal Brahmin, known for their great knowledge of farming. They were invited by Jaisalmer’s Maharaja to introduce the Khadin farming (collecting the rain water in desert and then use for whole year) for local peopleDusty roads with the rows of mud houses, silent lanes and sandstone walls and a temple once homes of the Paliwals stand as a living testimony of some sad past.

Continue to kicking of your cycle on a silent road to explore villages, ancient Bawari, ruined Serai and cenotaphs as you drive through the most magical and dramatic of landscapes. You will stuck by flocks of Camel, cows and sheep.Stopping at road side small oasis in the desert which never remains dry. For having a breathtaking view of desert we need 15 minutes steep ascent ride to rocky plateau and small alluvial valley known as Nabhdungar hill. Passing through inhabited village and mingling peacocks across the desert village we may overlook spooky Khaba fort with ruined house in this haunted village. The place is treats of shutterbugs. At the crack of dawn, lots of birds come here for their daily feeding session. Human activity is bare here. Spend a morning breakfast in the middle of the desert.  Back to Jaisalmer by car/ Jeep drive.
Optional activity: After the tour ends we can organize “Goth” in the evening in countryside area. We will use natural way to cook food with firewood. Ancient recipes will be used to prepare delicious food. After the dinner we will drive you back to your hotel in Jaisalmer.

Time Duration - 2.30 hours TO 3 HOURS
Total Cycling -   Km
Cost -

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